Saturday, May 21, 2011

I LOVE PINK--stupidity

Remember women. What are you sucking up too, when you where the t'shirts that say, "I love pink. For one thing, it looks stupid as hell. For another thing, that is a corporate logo for a company that sells G'string underwear to pre-teens, scumbag sexist company. My step-daughter was wearing a large "PINK" logo bolted across her ass on a pair of stretchy pants. I told her that for one thing, she is not a baboon. I also told her how the company, "Pink" is trying to season young girls into Victoria Secret clothing line. Pink does this by selling pre-teens and teens garments that hyper-sexualize young girls with their craddle-to grave advertising---all for profit. I told her not to wear cloth's with that jack-ass logo in my presence. I say, "F*&k PINK". I would like to see some logo's that say, "I HATE PINK" to counter this counter-revolutionary step-ford wife syndrome.

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