Tuesday, August 3, 2010

John Lennon - Woman is the "N" of the World

This video below, Women is the Nigger of the World, by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, truly has merit for today in 2010. It is ironic how the oppression of American women has become even more mainstreamed, sophisticated, and insidious since the 1970s. What is also just as un-flipping believable since the 1970's is how American women have become even more Stockhomish in their response to the sexist, patriarchal Capitalist system. Many American women are voiceless offering very little or no opposition to the 24/7 sexism that surrounds. Many American women will display a sheepish unquestioning submission, auto-oppression, internalization of oppression. During every day conversation where someone says something sexist, it is so un-flipping believable how time-and-time again many American women in the circle offer no rebuttals, just smile and act friendly--either sit there like "Step-ford Wives" or "Yes Women". What is also un-flipping believable, when confronted with sexism, most American women will, with laughter, voice jovial comments about the sexual exploitation of women--as if funny. It is even more abominable when we hear so many American women whine with heated passion in defense of sexism – with great vengeance they will argue that pole dancing is liberating, that Las Vegas, the misogyny capital of the world, is a fun place to go. What planet are we living on? Many American women believe that sexism is a non-issue, that we live in a post-sexist society, that sexism doesn't apply to them, or that they benefit from sexism. It is un-flipping believable how so many of the younger generation of so-called feminists, who refer to themselves as post-modernist feminists sound just like a bunch of sexist pigs—you would think their mentor was Huge Hefner, one of the greatest sexist pig war-against-women, war criminal known in so-called modern society, the father of the industrialization of women as sexual commodities -- who can just take is stupid-ass rabit ears and shove them up his asshole. On top of all that un-flipping believable bullshit is how when I show all the misogynistic passages of the bible to women, the bible which is a disgusting patriarchal doctrine, it doesn't seem to phase these women - they still go around attached to that woman-hating institution of religion—making up all kinds of excuses as to why they want to continue to roll around in the feces of their anti-woman war-lord, called God. It is a long time coming when American women will display any kind of conscious resistance or revolutionary spirit. I argue to women that to be complacent is to be complicit, part of the problem rather than the solution. Woman is the Nigger of the World more now than ever, the slave of all slaves. They paint their faces and dance. Paint their faces and dance. Paint their faces and dance.

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