Thursday, June 28, 2007

Prostitution Myth and Fact Sheet


Myth 1: Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world.
Fact 1: Prostitution is not the oldest profession in the world. It is, in fact, very new in comparison to how long humans have been on this earth. Humans have existed on this earth for approximately say I million years as Early Hominids. Humans have existed as Homo Sapiens for the last approximately 200,000 years (give or take a few thousand years). Within this let's say 200,000 years of human existence, patriarchy has only been around for approximately 6000 years. Within the 6000 years of patriarchy, matriarchal societies still existing here and there in traditional forms, such as with the Iroquois Indigenous peoples prior to European patriarchal invasion, etc... or in altered forms mixed with patriarchy, such as the Mayan & Aztec's. Patriarchal society has existed in relatively short amount of time in all of human existence. Concurrently, as the matriarchal conditions transitioned into patriarchal conditions so did pairing marriages transition into monogamy and clans transition into families and so did the subjugation of women take place. Here the domestication of animals, the breeding of herds, and the cultivation of plants developed into an unsuspected kind of wealth and created a new social order. All the former hunting and gathering societies became replaced with agricultural society (domestication and breeding of animals and cultivation of plants). Private ownership of land, herds, and people came into play. This is the time when ownership of people through slavery and prostitution arises. Engels states that the "overthrow of mother right was the world historical defeat of the female sex. (Origin of FPS, 120) The man took charge of the home, the woman degraded and reduced to servitude; she became the slave of his lust (prostitute) and a mere instrument for the production of children. Prostitution, therefore, is not the oldest profession-- is not some inevitable aspect of the human condition.

Myth 2: It is all right to argue about prostitution as long as we don't get moralistic about it.
Fact 2: Why not get moralistic about prostitution? Those who are for the legalization and decriminalization of prostitution often argue that people should not get moralistic about prostitution. I argue, that they themselves are just as "moralistic" in their support for prostitution. It is just that their morality is repressive white-male centric morality that reflects the perpetrator culture of patriarchy and Capitalism. On the other hand, those who are against the legalization and decriminalization of prostitution have a humane egalitarian morality that is liberating and revolutionary, not patriarchal or Capitalistic.

Myth 3: According to police statistics, Copenhagan has a very low rate of violence upon women by men despite it being the smut capital of the world, especially after it lifted all censorship against pornography and has decriminalized prostitution.
Fact 3: . Firstly, the normalization of mass sexual exploitation of women and children has been greatly enhanced by the legalization/decriminalization of the sex industry in many parts of the world. According to Resources Against Pornography in Toronto, scientific research shows that every since Copenhagan lifted all censorship and decriminalized prostitution, sex crimes have increased. According to Janice Raymond, of the Coalition Against the Trafficking of Women, every since prostitution has been legalized in Australia and New Zealand illegal, hidden, street prostitution, and sex trafficking has increased. In Eastern Europe alone, the rise of organized crime capitalizes on the demand for prostitution and the desperation of trafficked women from poorer countries. One report found that 80% of women in the brothels of the Netherlands were trafficked from other countries" (Budapest Group, 1999) According to the Coalition Against the Trafficking of Women, "Men buying women in prostitution don't just want the local women - they want exotic women from other countries who, according to their racial preferences, may be stereotyped as more pliable, more willing or more sexy. Decriminalization of prostitution has been a gift to traffickers and pimps who, overnight, become legitimate businessmen. When prostitution becomes a public good, governments become state pimps gaining enormous revenues from it's legal legitimization, legitimizing the super-exploitation of women and children all over the globe. "Houses of protection" for women in prostitution, are not new solutions to deal with prostitution, but very old and very repressive measures. Prostitution is not only Modem-day Slavery, but is rape for pay!

Secondly, don't rely on police for accurate statistics to be reliable. Both the police and international "security" forces are crooks who work hand and hand with organized crime figures in the commercial sex trade industry.

Myth 4: How is fighting against prostitution by using the power of the state, the court system, without organizing the working class under working class leadership, going to wipe humanity clean of inequality?
Fact 4: As a Marxist feminist I find this "power of the State" argument rather odd that it is being put forward socialists. It is true that the state represents the interest of the bourgeoisie, however, many socialists often in favor of using the "power of the State" to prevent landlords from raising rents, to prevent employers from hiring strike-breakers, and to legalize abortion. Rapists, wife-batterers, pornographers, defenders or pornography, and child molesters would be delighted if women and children did not use the power of the state.

Myth 5: Even if the state could effectively ban prostitution, that would not bring anyone one hairs width closer to women's liberation, or spare women from the conditions of living in a sexist society today.
Fact 5: Lets take a look at strip clubs for example. The term strip club is a euphemism for female auction blocks where desperate women and adolescents are legally bought and sold to sexually service sexist pigs who want to own and control vulnerable people in society. Much like the black auction blocks where black people's physical and sexual features were examined, women and adolescents genitals are micro-examined. Black auction blocks are specific to the despair of black people in the days of black slavery and female auction block are specific to the despair of women and adolescents in modem day slavery. So, if we are morally justified in banning black auction blocks and abolishing slavery of blacks, so we are too, justified in banning female auction blocks and abolishing modem day slavery. A call for the abolition of modem day slavery is no more a bourgeois ban, no more illegitimate than the call was for the abolition of black slavery. Abolition of slavery is a transitional step toward liberation. Most black people will tell you that their current existence is much more liberating than their past existence under slavery, however, not complete emancipation. It is ourjob, in the long run, to continue to work on abolition all slavery and to seek emancipation of all oppressed, by dismantling the patriarchal Capitalist superstructure.

Myth 6: We need to keep the state out of our bedrooms when it comes to sexuality.
Fact 6: As long as women and children are systematically sexually abused in the public sphere, systematic oppression of women and children happens in the private sphere, in secrecy behind closed doors. We should not end Child and Adult Protective services because we want to wait forever for the working class to one day arise from their slumber and fight for more than just economic demands, to fight against the systematic sexual abuse of women and children. In the mean time, society has to have some laws that protect women and children while in their homes from this "sexuality", i.e, patriarchal Capitalist sexuality which is based on objectification and degradation, violence.

Myth 7: As feminists we should support the unionize sex workers who choose prostitution as work?
{As feminists(b) we should support the unionize(c) sex workers(d) who choose(a) prostitution as work(e)}

Fact 7 (a): ["Choice"] But let's say when a prostitute argues that she is freely choosing prostitution, then is it free choice? Prostitutes who argue, "It is my free choice to be a prostitute!" capitulate to prostitution as a result of internalized oppression. Internalization of oppression entails repeated exposure to oppression, subtle or direct, may lead vulnerable members of the oppressed group to internalize the oppressive image projected by the external oppressor -- the 'oppressor without'. The external oppressor may be the ruling class patriarchal society and / or an individual, such as a sexual abuser of a child. Internalization of this image and repression of the rage associated with oppression may lead to loss of worth or identity, dissociation, and destructive behaviors toward self and others as oppressed people become 'auto-oppressors' participating in their own oppression - self oppression. Sexual abuse, as well as global sexism in general, causes the victims alienation form her self, i.e., the prostitute becomes alienated from her self as she has conceded to being a commodity, not a human. A large reason for women turning to prostitution, out side of economic vulnerability, is that most of them have been sexually assaulted as children.

Is prostitution a free choice even if a prostitute argues that it is free choice? Is it all right when someone lay's on the ground and "freely chooses" or asks to be stepped on, for us to go ahead and step on that person because it was his or her "free choice"?

Prostitutes capitulate to prostitution as a "free choice" for reasons that are really not free choice. Does any prostitute who argues, "I am a prostitute out of free choice" realize the oppressive context as to why she is arguing this? Even if she did, does insight matter? She ultimately has to survive.

In any of the cases below (next page), is it all right to exploit women in prostitution?

Case 1: The primary reason for her being in prostitution is sheer poverty whether that extreme poverty exists in a dependent Capitalist country or Imperialist Capitalist country. (Economic abuse). Mabye victim of trafficking and Modem Day Slavery, maybe just the Modem Day Slavery. Maybe she has insight about the context of her oppressive condition, but survival is primary. Weather she is also a survivor of child or adolescent sexual abuse, physical abuse, homelessness, or not she may argue that prostitution is her free choice-- as a defense mechanism in order to feel empowered because the "work" is so degrading, even though a false sense of power.

Case 2: She is a prostitute who is just trying to desperately survive as there is no other alternative, in her mind, because of low self worth from being a victim of sexual and / or physical abuse. (Economic abuse).

• Maybe she has insight about the context of her oppressive condition, but survival is primary.

• She can dissociate easily from the prostitution as she is a victims of child or adolescent sexual abuse, which survivors of sexual assault are able to do. Because her boundaries have been violated when she was sexually or physically abused growing up, she does not have an healthy base that she can identify with as to what is healthy attention, and what is not.

• As a survivor of child or adolescent sexual abuse, physical abuse, homelessness she will argue that prostitution is her free choice --as a defense mechanism in order to feel empowered because the "work" is so degrading, even though a false sense of power.

Case 3:

• She is a prostitute who is part of a prostitute political organization that seeks to reform the oppressive condition through unions versus toward the abolition of the conditions of prostitution gaining a false sense of empowerment. Her political struggle is limited to the scope of patriarchal construct. (50 economic abuse).

• She may or may not have the insight of women's historical oppressive condition. In any case, she does not have the faith that it is possible now for complete emancipation anyway.

• As the prostitute who ferverently defends prostitution, she is much like the house slave versus the field slave. If the master's house is burning down, the house slave will do anything to save the master's house, even if the master is running away from the house.

• Most likely she is a victim of child or adolescent sexual abuse, and that's why she so ferverently argues that prostitution is her free choice so as a defense mechanism to feel empowered, even though it is a false sense of power.

Case 4:

• She may be a prostitute who fervently defends prostitution as a free choice because she may be making money off of other prostitutes. (Still economic abuse).

• She may or may not have the insight of women's historical oppressive condition. In any case, she does not care.

• She is suffering from auto-oppressor / internalization of oppression.

• Most likely she is a victim of child or adolescent sexual abuse, and that's why she so fervently argues that prostitution is her free choice so as a defense mechanism to feel empowered, even though it is a false sense of power. But, one can not even touch upon this issue with her without her denying some kind of abuse ever happened to her.

Case 5:

• Unlike 1-4, Prostitutes who seek Radicalization, ie., are in either in spirit with or/ and are able to politically active for radical change like creating an abolitionist movement to abolish the patriarchal classist condition as to why prostitution exists in the first place. (Economic abuse.)

• Women and girls don't simplify prostitution as "free choice". These prostitutes are more in line with the field slave. If the field slave sees the master's house burning down, she will do anything to see that the master's house burns down.

• Women and adolescents may be a survivor of child or adolescent sexual abuse, physical abuse, homelessness, and will never argue that prostitution is her free choice.

Fact 7(b): ["Feminists"] Any "feminist" or so-called "pro-sex feminist" who supports the prostitution of women is not feminist of any sort. She or he is not a revolutionary socialist feminist fighting for the complete emancipation of women, nor is she or he even a reformist bourgeois feminist or a theologian feminist. She or he may, however, be a bourgeoisie or a bourgeoisie wannabe who supports bourgeois ideology, traditions, and practices of patriarchy though. The title "feminist" for someone who supports prostitution is semantic trickery and a spin on the meaning of feminism. This hurts the ears no less than when hearing Bush say he is pro-life, but supports the killing of Iraqis civilians or when hearing Bush say he is fighting for freedom and democracy for the Iraqis, when this is obviously not true.

Fact 7(c): [Unions?] We don't seek to unionize slaves, we seek to abolish slavery! Just imagine a union of prostitutes, pimps, and tricks all sitting around a table negotiating contracts about the frequency of fucks and blow jobs per day. Would child prostitutes be part of the round table? This is not liberating for women or children prostitutes.

Fact 7(d): ["Sex Worker"] The term "sex worker" implies that women freely chose prostitution when they don't. The term "sex worker" is a euphemism like calling a black slave, "field worker". The term "sex worker" also implies that prostitution is labor and not a sex commodity. The term sex worker does not address that fact that women and children have entered into prostitution because of severe economic oppression and discrimination. Furthermore, "sex worker" does not address that fact that most prostitutes are victims of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is boot camp for prostitution. Prostituted women who argue in favor of unions or to be referred as "sex worker", argue this because they have capitulated to the patriarchal Capitalist archetype and condition of women, i.e., internalized the projected image and condition set upon them by their oppressor. Most prostitutes who capitulate, like most people in general, don't have an understanding of the classist historical materialist reason as to why prostitution exists in the first place. They don't see their plight in relation to the broader picture, the historical material condition of prostitution. And, those who are not prostitutes, but argue in support of unions and the label "sex worker", are just opportunistic sexist pigs. This semantic trickery or labeling prostitutes "sex worker" only serves to legitimize the objectification and degradation of women.

Fact 7(e): ["Work / labor"]

During the 1,000,000 years of human existence during matriarchal communal property relations women's labor (gathering) was considered most useful, more useful then men's labor of (hunting), and there was no prostitution of women or children.

Not until 6,000 years of patriarchy when people started to have the idea of private ownership of land and animals, did female inheritance Oust communal property passed down through the female line,) transfer to male inheritance (mass production, animals, and people to be inherited), did women's labor became uselessàat this point women become private property such as via the patrist marriage formation and prostitution, along with land, animals and slaves. So, prostitution matches up with labor uselessness of women, not labor of women. There is a distinction between private property and labor. Women and children are prostituted as property as useless labor and as a result of useless labor, not as labor. Prostitution because it can be identified with useless labor; therefore, is the antithesis of labor.

Furthermore, labor is where people work with their hands or / and minds in harmony manipulating their environment as shown all throughout human existence. Even animal males never prostitute female animals and refer to it in animal terms as labor.

Furthermore, as prostitution is discriminating toward the super-exploited, mostly women and children, this can not be considered labor. Prostitution is not so-called labor. Prostitution is a human rights issue. Prostitution is discrimination, sexual abuse, and it is physical abuse, rape for pay all intertwined. What does this say about ftie institution we live in when women make more money as a prostitute then through labor? What does this say about the institution we live in when women make more money as victims of this perpetrator culture, than as labors?

Myth 8: Well she makes a lot of money selling her body.
Fact 8: For one thing, this is a sad commentary about our society that women make more money having to be prostituted than through any line of work. Secondly, much of the prostitutes money is divvied out to those who protect her or to drugs. Some goes to feed her children, school, etc...., but rarely do they even finish school. Thirdly, this is a good measure as to how much males are willing to exploit women and children.

Myth 9: It is a difficult question. How can we decide what to do?"
Fact 9: Reforming the Tax Act is also difficult; Yet, no one offers that as an excuse for not reforming a Tax Act. What kind of society claims that prohibiting the advocacy of violence against or the extreme degradation of women is too difficult to undertake? Only a society in which women have fewer rights than pornographers.

Myth 10: Prostitutes choose to go into prostitution.
Fact 10: As a result of the development of patriarchy, which is inherently discriminating, economically marginalizing women and children causing many of them to fall victim to a position of servitude as they are now property (via patrist marriages or prostitution). If there was no sexual and gender discrimination, men would equally be prostituted. Wrong! If there were such a society with no gender discrimination, then it would have to be non-patriarchal, egalitarian. In an egalitarian socio-economic material condition women and children would not only be respected, but they would feel secure. If women and children were economically secure living with great respect toward them, then prostitution would not exit. Look at Cuba. During the Batista era, you had prostitution, gambling, poverty, etc.... When Castro came to power and he began to socialize the country, prostitution became rare. However, later, when Castro had to capitulate to the US Imperialist dollar, prostitution began to flourish.

Research shows that children who are victims of violence, (incest, rape, battering) often lose their sense of physical integrity. This loss of feeling that their body belongs to them explains why women seem to "choose" when in fact there is no choice. Women who are in situations which are economically, socially or emotionally difficult, often have very little choice in the matter. Although Andrea Dworkin may not be a revolutionary Marxist feminist, she does make a good point when she argues, "Incest is boot camp for prostitution."

The euphemism "sex worker" rather than prostituted women or woman used in prostitution, implies that women choose to be prostituted. This semantic trickery only serves to objectify the women and dignifies the sex industry, not women.

Not only did prostitution of women come about with the patriarchy alongside the practice of monogamy for only women, but also there existed an element of fear by men of loss of control over women as their legal and economic property in marriage. To maintain control, patriarchal domination configures and re-configures domination over women by producing a social, economic, and public condition of sexual subordination that follows women in the public life, in the life of prostitution. The socio-economic control of women is reinforced in the patriarchal world by invoking women's pseudo-consent (because what choices are out their for women) to prostitution of sexuality for prostitution and pornography. Within the patriarchal construct, when women attempt to become economically independent & emotionally autonomous in their desire to evade domestic and/ or sexual reductionism in marriage, the patriarchal system has instituted public sexual exploitation as an attempt to revert women back to sex object reductionism. Pornography is the graphic representation of the patriarchal reduction of women to prostituted sex. Prostitution is the enacted form of pornography where the graphic representation of women comes to life. Revolutionary feminists are not interested in defending traditional patriarchal masculine sex norms, nor in making them legally public as in prostitution. Prostitution is incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human condition.


Budapest Group (1999, June). The relationship between Organized Crime and Trafficking in Aliens, Austria: International Centre for Migration Policy Development.

Coalition Against the Trafficking of Women:

Resource Against Pornography (RAP): P.O. Box 695, Toronto Postal Station C, Toronto, Ontario M6J3Sl.

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