Friday, July 22, 2011

Prostitution is gender violence

Buying sex punishable in Iceland

Iceland has followed the Swedish path, as a majority of the Iceland Parliament, the Alþingi, in April accepted an alteration of the criminal code, which now forbids the buying of sex in Iceland. Thus, the nine-year long intensive parliamentary campaign for the criminalisation of the purchase of sex came to an end. For more information:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Marijuana Policy Project Has A Muscle, But No Balls

Dear Mr. Legislative Analyst, Dan Riffle of the Marijuana Policy Project:

In response to your response to my email exposing the Marijuana Policy Project for holding a sexist fundraiser at the Playboy Mansion, you wrote,

"Thanks very much for sharing your concerns. Every year that we hold our fundraiser at the Playboy mansion we receive several emails similar to yours, and we take them very seriously. This year, as in past years, we discussed the matter as a staff and the prevailing view was that we should move forward with the event. Our decision to hold the fundraiser should not be viewed as an endorsement of any particular position, but simply an acknowledgement that the Playboy Mansion offers many of our donors an exciting venue to attend, and an opportunity to get our message - that marijuana prohibition is a failure that destroys lives and denies needed medicine to patients - out to a broader audience. It is also an acknowledgement that the Playboy Foundation has been a stalwart supporter of marijuana policy reform for many decades, even providing the seed money to found NORML."

Well, Mr. Legislative Analyst, thanks for making me aware that laws and ethics are clearly differentiated from one another within your Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). Sexism? Who cares about the other half of the human race, when we don't want to ruin the lives of patients.

Do as the Ancient Roman rulers would do at a mansion---lay back while some “hos” rub your rod. Slap Me Five, Fraternity Style!

Maybe we can hold an 'exciting venue' at the former clansman, David Duke's mansion where us whities can get off on watching black people ‘model’ their teeth and muscles on an auction-block. How about an 'exciting venue' for us colonialists at a Hacienda, funded by Chiquita Banana where we can get some Latinos to rub our feet? How about some Native Americans, Palestinians, or the aborigines of the Amazon---up for grabs. Whatever it takes! The ends justifies the means for the MPP.

Just because the majority of MPP staff voted to hold a sexist fundraiser, the unanimous vote is not a valid justification for doing so. Just like the majority of KKK members, vote to continue racist activities does not mean that their unanimous votes are a valid justification for doing so. Anyway, most of your MPP staff are probably agreeing because they either don’t want to lose their jobs (food and shelter), or don’t want to lose their positions for opportunistic reasons.

Your approach is mechanistic, (i.e., short-sighted because it negates or disconnects from other important elements, highly susceptible to chauvinism, and clearly unscientific) VS a dialectic-materialist approach, (i.e., foresight because it values the interconnectedness of all things, intrinsically equalitarian, and scientifically sound).

The MPP’s selling out the legalization-of-marijuana movement to the likes of the values of the patriarchal, Capitalistic, hierarchal super structure, is hindering your / our movement, big time. The MPP’s opportunistic attitudes and practices are chauvinistic, pathetic, divisive, counter-productive, socially irresponsible, and socially retarded.

As a human rights activist, I am committed only to revolutionary principles (which includes some reforms for tactical purposes on an ethical basis only) to guide me in creating authentic change. I bet that if you followed a revolutionary or dialectical materialist approach, cannabis would already be legalized or at least have more respect from the larger community.

You can flex your muscle at the mansion, but if you don’t have the balls to institute egalitarian principles and practices, then you’re useless.


Andrea Lavigne

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Marijuana Policy Project's Policy is to Use Sexism as a Way to Raise Funds

Dear Marijuana Policy Project:

According to the High Times Magazine article, Scandal at the Marijuana Policy Project, by Veinenstock and Cusick, a big sexual harassment scandal occurred implicating executive director, Rob Kampia and causing several MMP staffers to resign; therefore, the MPP didn’t hold their annual sexist Playboy Mansion fundraiser for a year or two. I heard recently that the MPP is going to resume holding their annual sexist fundraiser this July 2011, same place. The MPP’s continued sexist fundraisers promote the objectification, degradation, and violence toward women and girls; male supremacy; a patriarchal, right-wing, Capitalist, imperialist agenda; is highly antagonistic with the green-ethics of the pro-marijuana movement---undercutting the very movement your trying to promote.

One opportunistic and dubious argument mindlessly parroted by the MPP for holding the sexist fundraiser is, “While we understand that the event isn't for everyone, many respected figures have worked with Playboy, from Martin Luther King, Jr., and Jimmy Carter (both of whom sat for interviews with the magazine) to highly regarded authors who have published their work in its pages, such as Ray Bradbury and John Updike.” Excuse me, but none of those so-called enlightened people you mention were revolutionaries who concerned themselves much with women’s rights; they were charismatic liberation theologians or supporters of Christianity---for certain rights for certain people, with a de-emphasis on the rights of women. Christianity and other organized religions are all oppressive systems of male privilege. By virtue of upholding Christianity, each of those so-called enlightened people the MPP mentions, upheld male privilege.

Just as Jason Martan is the Grand Wizard of the racist fraternal organization known as the Ku Klux Klan, Hugh Hefner is the Grand Wizard of the sexist fraternal organization known as the Xploitation, Xploitation, Xploitation.

Basic 101 ethics intuits that sexism is just as objectifying, degrading, and debilitating as racism. Sexism, racism, classism, religion, and the state machine are there to serve ruling class hegemony---to divide and conquer the working class here and abroad. Sexism is actually more insidious than racism, because the repercussions negatively impact all cultures and races, all human relations in intimately complex ways.

The “Consent Fallacy”

The MPP may try to opportunistically rationalize holding a sexist fundraiser by arguing, “Those women consent, so they are not victims of oppression or sexism.” The reality, however, is if we lived in a world were women were actually free, then consent would literally mean consent, but we don’t live in that kind of world. When women consent to sexism and blacks consent to racism, sexism and racism become even more insidious; worse. In today’s economic context, consent so often means capitulation for those oppressed groups (women) whom have become metabolized into the oppressive dynamics of the power structure.

By getting enough blacks and women to capitulate to racism and sexism, and working class people to capitulate to classism, their self-maintaining auto-oppression serves as an free ride for the mansion owners, the plantation owners, for a couple reasons: firstly, by virtue that they (owners) get to spend less time and resources on suppressing race and gender rebellions and other class uprisings, since they are less bond to uprise due to auto-oppression; secondly, giving the owners more time and resources to push their imperialist agenda of infinite gain for them and poverty and martial law for us. Sexist, racist, and classist propaganda and practices are there to divide us; to justify war, poverty, prisons, the war on drugs, and to create a surplus of unemployed wage slaves---keeping profits in the hands of a few mansion / plantation owners.

Even the UN Declaration on Human Rights, speaks volumes about how sexual exploitation is a violation of human rights whether tolerated by the state or not, whether in pubic or private. Sexist, racist, and classist institutions are not inherent nor natural for they need to be destroyed for humanity to be free, free to consent based on being free.

Internalization of Oppression

Where you find sexism, racism, and classism, you will find internalization of oppression. Internalization of oppression, auto-oppression, is when we digest, believe, accept or take into ourselves concepts, ideas and images [sexist, racist, classist propaganda] that an oppressive society uses to represent us, serves to maintain a subservient and crippled state of functioning which, therefore, undermines ones ability to be a full-fledged human, coined by Frantz Fanon, a French revolutionary and psychiatrist in his book, Wretched of the Earth,1963. One can compare women’s crippling and silent capitulation to sexism to that of the House Negro in Malcolm X’s 1964 February speech, House Negro vs Field Negro: if the master’s house was burning down, the House Negro would do everything to save the house, whereas the Field Negro would do everything to enhance the flames to burn his house down, down to the ground.

Yoko Ono and John Lennon wrote a song called, Woman is the Nigger of the World. Women are the “niggers” of the world”, especially when they happily capitulate to sexism, especially when they go so far as to rationalize sexism. Too many women are minions of sexual oppression.

Kampia-Hefner like Puritans

From a non-patriarchal, Iroquois Indian perspective, Kampia, Hefner, and their ilk, are just as right wing and anti-women as the Puritans---the Kampia-Hefner camp want women as whores and the Puritan camp want women as chattel. Kampia-Hefner are not liberals and are not hypersexual, but perverted like Puritans. On the other hand, non-patriarchal cultures would never disrespect women for some opportunistic gains.

Prostitution is the Oldest Profession Fallacy

Some sexists would like to shout back another dubious claim that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. Not true. Prostitution is not the oldest profession, but it is the oldest oppression since the advent of patriarchal societies. Prostitution was non-existent in non-patriarchal societies. Pre-patriarchal and current non-patriarchal societies, instead, have sexual rituals and group marriage, because they are not propertied societies, but communalistic.

Natural Contradiction between Patriarchy and Cannabis

There is an inherent contradiction between the patriarchy and cannabis. Cannabis is a natural plant, which does best when grown freely in a world where people are truly free. Patriarchal institutions are Big Pharma (an industry that profits off of death and disease), the Paper Industry (an industry that has no qualms about raping and pillaging the environment) or the Alcohol industry (which has no shame in selling their toxic crap), Prisons (a state sponsored human trafficking industry which profits off of housing many non-violent people), and Prostitution (which commodifies women and justifies violence toward all of them). These patriarchal industries hate anybody and anything that is free. Cannabis is so natural and free that it can’t be fully reconciled under such systems of oppression. So stop oppressing.


The immediate solution is for the MMP to stop it’s oppressive upcoming sexist fundraisers. The money the MPP gets from these sexist fundraisers is DIRTY money, just as DIRTY as money you would get from holding a racist fundraiser. Stand steadfast to the fact that men and children won’t have freedom if women are oppressed, whites won’t have freedom if blacks are oppressed, and cannabis won’t have complete freedom if there remains a system of hierarchal oppression. If you want to truly get anywhere, faster and more efficiently, you need to elevate the importance of cannabis to the larger cause of human struggle to be free from bondage, to have self-determination. I will continue to encourage others to boycott the MPP, until the MPP makes shows respect for women. In the meantime will begin by publishing this letter en mass as a call to boycott the MPP.


Andrea Lavigne

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kotex: Stupid F*&king Panty Challenge

Have you seen the latest Kotex, Panty Challenge, i.e., "Take the Panty Challenge" followed by a web site, "". Why the f*&k are they calling women's underwear panties? Three year olds wear panties, not grown women. Grown women wear underwear.

Stay tuned for more sexism stories in Amerikkka.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Beyonce: A Barbie Doll on Steroids-New Battery Inserted

Beyonce: A Barbie Doll on Steroids. A hyper-sexualized and self-indulgent Barbie Doll on Steroids. That is what Beyonce represents. Beyonce has a beautiful voice. She is bold, but not strong. Instead of presenting herself as a possessed and crazed, new battery inserted, Barbie Doll who self-indulgently can shake her tits & ass longer than most hard-working women, she could relax a bit, take a chill-pill. She is a hard-worker, but the product is just f*&king lame. Instead of traveling around the world saying, "Look at me", she could re-direct her intense abundance of manic energy by doing something substantial for society. Beyonce could use her voice to promote civil rights or human rights or something.

My advice is: "Beyonce! Do a quick ditch of the 'Barbie on Steroids' image! Shit's old. F*&king boring!"

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I LOVE PINK--stupidity

Remember women. What are you sucking up too, when you where the t'shirts that say, "I love pink. For one thing, it looks stupid as hell. For another thing, that is a corporate logo for a company that sells G'string underwear to pre-teens, scumbag sexist company. My step-daughter was wearing a large "PINK" logo bolted across her ass on a pair of stretchy pants. I told her that for one thing, she is not a baboon. I also told her how the company, "Pink" is trying to season young girls into Victoria Secret clothing line. Pink does this by selling pre-teens and teens garments that hyper-sexualize young girls with their craddle-to grave advertising---all for profit. I told her not to wear cloth's with that jack-ass logo in my presence. I say, "F*&k PINK". I would like to see some logo's that say, "I HATE PINK" to counter this counter-revolutionary step-ford wife syndrome.

Female co-worker sucks up to male-supremacy rituals because it is protocol for him to do before he marries her.

5/20/11: Another female co-worker who is an attorney said that she was going to get married. I told her that I boycott weddings if I know they are preceded with bachelor parties aka male-supremacy rituals/sexual assault of women rituals. I gave her some analogies on how bachelor parties where they hire women are really sexual assault of women rituals/rape for pay. I told her to pretend for a moment that whites and blacks married, taking gender out of the equation. Imagine that the whites held pre-whatever rituals prior to coming into a committed relationship with a black person. Imagine the whites hiring black people to dance around like f*&king monkeys. Would you as a black person want to be with such a low life piece of white trash after you found out whitey participated in the white supremacy ritual? She did not say "yes" or "no", she just had a blanket stare on her face. So I told her that like white supremacy rituals, male supremacy rituals are just as f*&ked up, just as vile of exploitation of human beings. That women are human beings, too. I also gave her an analogy of a hopeless man laying on the floor offering his "consent" for people to do what they want with him for money. I told her that I would walk around that man and ask, "Hey brother" do you need a hand? I would not get entertained by his vulnerability to be abused. I told her that just because he put it out there that he was looking to "entertain" pedestrians, that this is not true consent and that consent does not preclude his purchasers from being his exploiters. I believe that just because something is legal, consent does not equal ethical. Ethics and law are two different things. Anyway, this female co-worker said, "I like your analogy of the hopeless man." She did not say she liked my analogy of the male supremacy equals white supremacy. Why? This female co-worker also could not guarantee that he was going to or not going to have a "bachelor party" where they hire women to rape them for pay. She came across like it was not a concern of hers, but a concern of mine and that she would ask him. She later came up to me to me to tell me that he told her that he was not planning on having strippers/prostitutes because they were going to be up North in the middle of nowhere dune-buggying---she believes this shit without questioning and, again, was very nonchalant about the issue. Sexual exploitation was my issue, not hers. Why? Does she benefit from male-spremacy sexual assault of women rituals, too, in some weird-twisted way? I think so.

Female co-worker women suck up to porn, male privilege

On May 20th, 2011: A guy customer walked into our office with a T'Shirt that had a line drawing of a nude women who was well-endowed, like a cow should be. A female co-worker, high-fived him saying, "Great T'shirt". The female co-worker must have been coming from the space of possibly she is either a lesbian, a heterosexual sucking up to male-privilege or bi-sexual sucking up to male privilege.